Facts and Fables

তৃতীয় শ্রেণি (প্রাথমিক স্তর ২০২৪) - English For Today - NCTB BOOK
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(তৃতীয় শ্রেণি (প্রাথমিক স্তর ২০২৪))

A. Look at the pictures. Discuss in groups what you see in the pictures.



An ant and a grasshopper are two good friends. They live in a grassy field.

It is a sunny summer morning. The grasshopper is enjoying the sun. He is dancing and singing happily. He does not usually like to work.

Now the ant is passing by the grasshopper. She is carrying an ear of corns to her house. She is storing food for the winter. The grasshopper laughs at her and says,

"Hey Ant! Why do you work hard all the time? Come and join me. Let's enjoy the sun."
The ant goes her way and continues her work.

After the summer, the winter begins. The days become very cold. The leaves are falling down everywhere. The grass- hopper finds no food to eat. He starves, and he becomes weak and sad.



On the other hand, the ant has plenty of food. She is passing her time happily at her cozy home.





B. Listen to the story, one sentence at a time. Then read it in groups. If necessary, help each other.

C. Read the story individually and tick the correct answer.

1. What is the grasshopper doing in the summer morning?
He is
a) carrying corns.
b) enjoying the sun.
c) making fun with the ant.

2. What is the ant doing in the summer?
She is
a) playing in the sun.
b) singing in the field.
c) carrying an ear of corns.


3. How does the grasshopper pass the winter?
a) makes fun and sings all day.
b) finds no food and starves.
c) works hard.

4. How does the ant pass the winter?
She passes her time
a) happily at her cozy home.
b) starving.
c) working hard.

D. Ask and answer the following questions in pairs.

1. Where do the ant and the grasshopper live?
2. What does the ant carry to her house?
3. What does the grasshopper say to the ant?
4. What happens to the grasshopper in the winter?

E. Write the words Summer and Winter in your exercise book in two columns - Column A and Column B. Now write the following words/phrases in the right column. Words/phrases: dry leaves, sunny, enjoying the sun, gloomy, warm day, cold.

F. Role play: In pair, play the roles of the ant and the grasshopper in the class.

G. Draw a picture of a sunny summer morning and a cold, gloomy winter morning and display them in the classroom.

Grammar focus:
Use of punctuation mark.
For a surprise, an exclamation mark (!) is used. For making a question, a question mark (?) is used; and for a short pause in a sentence, a comma (.) is used.
What a beautiful bird! Who is he? I read, write and play.


H. In pairs read the story B above and underline question mark, exclamation mark and comma.

I. Pul punctuation marks.

What a bright day The grasshopper is dancing singing and playing in the sun What is the ant doing She is carrying an ear of cons


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(তৃতীয় শ্রেণি (প্রাথমিক স্তর ২০২৪))

A. Listen to the story and read each line of the story in groups. Help each other if necessary.


Hello! I am Anika. I live in the plain land. I like to attend the hill festivals. So I am here in the hills to visit my friend.

She is Sangma. She welcomes me to her house, spraying water upon me.

The house is decorated with colours and flowers. Her parents greet me.

They entertain me with various food items

Today is phulbiju. On this day hill girls float flowers wishing a happy new year.

The next day is mulbiju. On this occasion, young boys and girls spray water on each other. They believe that spraying water washes away sorrows in life.

Then comes the new year's day. It is called gajjya pajjya.



B. Look at the pictures. Discuss the questions in small groups.

1. Where is the festival taking place?
2. What are the hill gir's doing in the water?
3. What are the boys and the girls doing?
4. How are the two gir's dancing?

Grammar focus:
Continuous tenses: actions or events continuing in the present.
Structure: subject + be + verb + ing. Example: He is reading. She is writing.


C. Read the story and say if the sentences are true or false. If false write the correct answers.

1. The name of the hill girl is Sangma.
2. Sangma welcomes a chakma girl to her house.
3. On the day of phulbiju hill girls float flowers in the water.
4. Young boys and gir's throw flowers on each other.
5. The new year's day is called mulbiju.

D. Read the story individually and write answer to each of the questions.

1. Where does Anika live?
2. What is the name of the hill girl?
3. How does the hill girl welcome Anika?
4. Why do the hill people float flowers in the water?
5. What do hill people do on the day of mulbiju?

Grammar focus:

Verbs are words that tell us of actions. They are known as 'doing words'.
Example: go, read, float, spread, dance

Simple present:
For any general statement, and for habits and facts the simple
present tense is used. Example: He is a good boy. She goes to school every day. The moon shines at night.

E. Act out in groups the scenes of floating flowers in the water and spraying water on each other.

Grammar focus:
Declarative Sentences
Declaratives are simple statements.
Examples: She goes. He reads a book.
Negative form of declarative sentences: Auxiliary verb +(Be/ do, does) not + principal verb.
Examples: He does not read. She is not preasnt.

F. Read the following declarative sentences in groups and make them negative.

1. Anika and Sangma are two friends.
2. Anika lives in the plain land.
3. Sangma is a hill girl.
4. The hill girl float flowers in the water.

G. Draw a picture of the festival, colour it and display it in the class room.


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(তৃতীয় শ্রেণি (প্রাথমিক স্তর ২০২৪))

A. Look at the pictures, discuss in groups and say the names of the persons. If you do not know any or some of them, ask your teacher.

A baby bay is born after a long time. With him happiness comes down to the family. A few minutes later, the baby is put on the lap of his elder sister.

The newborn baby looks like a shining star. Everybody is amazed to see him. He gets love and affection from everybody around him. Yet life is not easy and smooth for him.
He first visits the prison at the age of one and a half years.

After that he often visits the prison to see his father. His father is put there for his fight for the freedom of the nation. In the jail gate the kid never smiles before seeing his father. Only when his father comes to the meeting room, he jumps into his arms and smiles.

At their home, mother raises pigeons. The little boy feeds the birds with his mother. He plays with them. He likes pigeons. So, he never eats the meat of the birds he loves. The boy is very kind, like his mother.

He has a great heart like his father. Can you guess who the boy is? He is Sheikh Russel, the youngest son of the Father of the Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

B. Listen to the story and repeat after teacher. In pairs read the sentences aloud.

C. Read the story again and answer the questions in groups.

1. Who is this little boy?
2. Who is his father?
3. Who is his elder sister?
4. Why does the boy often visit the prison?
5. Who raises pigeons?

D. Read the story individually and fill in the gap in each sentence with the right word.

1. With the birth of the baby the family becomes.
2. The newborn baby looks like a star.
3. The baby never at the jail gate.
4. His father is put in jail for his fight for the of the nation.
5. The name of the boy is

E. Read the story again and write answers to the following ques- tions.

1. What happens to the family when the baby boy is born?
2. What does the newborn baby look like?
3. Why is the father of the baby put in jail?
4. What does the baby do when his father meets them in the prison meeting room?
5. Why doesn't the boy eat pigeons' meat?

F. Write a few lines about your birth and early childhood.


G. Listen to the rhyme, read each line in groups. Recite it in chorus.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

 How I wonder what you are!

 Up above the world so high, 

Like a diamond in the sky.

When the blazing sun is gone, 

When he nothing shines upon, 

Then you show your little light, 

Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.



H. Draw the picture from the dots.


I. Colour the picture given below and write the name of the person under the picture.


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